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AirBNB Financing
Apartment Buildings
Assisted Living Facilities
Auto Repair Garages
Bankruptcy Exit Financing
Boutique Hotels
Cannabis Financing
Car Dealerships
Care Facilities
Car Wash Facilities
Church Financing
Congregate Care
Commercial Hard Money Financing
CVS Pharmacies
Factory Outlets
Federal Historic Tax Credits
Gas Stations
Golf Courses
Grocery Stores
Historic Tax Credits
Housing Developments
Independent Living Facilities
Industrial Parks
Land Acquisitions
Marijuana Financing
Manufacturing Facilities
Medical Facilities
Medical Offices
Mini Storage
Mixed Use
Mobile Home Parks
Movie Theaters
Office Buildings
Parking Garages
Post Offices
Private Schools
Raw Land
Regional Malls
Residential Subdivisions
Retail Centers
Rite Aid
RV Parks
Senior Housing
Shopping Centers
Ski Resorts
Special Use Buildings
State Historic Tax Credits
Strip Centers
Student Housing
Tract Development
Warehouse Distribution Centers


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

ZERO INTEREST MORTGAGE - note and mortgage under which interest accrues but is not paid until the end of the term of the loan.

ZERO LOT LINE - construction of a building on any of the boundary lines of a lot. Usually built on the front line, such as a store built to the sidewalk. See also: Zero Side Yard.

ZERO SIDE YARD - building of a subdivision with each house built on a side boundary line. This gives more usable yard space on a narrow lot. An easement for maintenance is given over a portion of the lot adjoining each house.

ZONE - (1) area of a county or city in which the use of the land is restricted by law (zoning ordinance). (2) An area designated by a number for the delivery of mail. Zip codes incorporate the zones.

ZONING - division of a city or county by legislative regulations into areas (zones), specifying the uses allowable for the real property in these areas.

ZONING MAP - map of a community showing the zones of permitted use under zoning ordinances.

ZONING ORDINANCE - law (generally at the city or county level) controlling the use of land and construction of improvements in a given area (zone).

ZONING VARIANCE - Also See: Variance.

ZYGOCEPHALUM - In civil law an inaccurate measure of land. The area of land a yoke of oxen could plow in one day.

Whatever your financing needs,
we will tailor a loan that's right for you.


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