SINCE 1977

If you have a building, property or business that allocates towards historic tax credits, Ocean Pacific Capital can help you with your
federal tax credit needs. Our 47 1/2 years of experience and specialized approach to
federal tax credit procurement allows us to offer the best rates and service in the industry, whether your state historic tax credits have these credits applied towards a reconstruction, aquisition, development, or sale.
Historic tax credits are complicated. Regardless of your situation, we can help. From applying these credits towards new financing, to selling a property with credits involved, our team at Ocean Pacific Capital knows the ins and outs of this business to fully make sure our customer is taken care of. Federal historic tax credits may be associated with hefty requirements, ones that are complicated and require experience to properly obtain. Our team at Ocean Pacific Capital has the knowledge and skill set to properly handle these situations, with 47 1/2 years of experience dating back to 1977.
Ocean Pacific Capital offers flexible financing options and loan amounts starting at $1,000,000.00 to $850,000,000.00. Please call us today at 1-800-595-147 4 or fill out our
ONLINE FORM to discuss our historic tax credit programs.