SINCE 1977

Ocean Pacific Capital aims to finance Americas hospitals and care facilities. We offer the best care facility financing. Since 1977, we have access to over 310 different lenders supporting the development of thousands of communities across the United States insuring hospital mortgages and care facilities. Clients may range from small rural care facilities to some of the U.S.s top urban hospitals. The better the credit rating offered by the United States government (AA to AAA rating), the lower the interest rate, which equates to more spending power to address community needs. These loans are available to care facilities in all 50 states and territories, for-profit, non-profit, and government-owned care facilities. We offer care facility financing for refinancing, remodeling, expansion, construction financing, and modernization. Our streamlined application process is available with reduced documentation. Loan values can range from $1,000,000.00 to $850,000,000.00 and loan-to-value ratio of up to 90%. Fixed rate and adjustable rate loans are available for new construction or rehabilitation loan and can be amortized over 20-40 years. We offer competitive fixed and adjustable rates for all terms, 10,20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 years. We also offer competitive rates for acquisitions, refinances, and constructions of assisted living facilities, skilled nursing, and other specialty care facilities.
Ocean Pacific Capitals professional staff has the experience to answer all of your questions and to assist you throughout the loan process with unparalleled customer service. Call us or email us today so we can immediately help with your care facility financing needs! APPLY HERE