Since 1977, we have been a leader in the commercial property loan industry.
Call us toll-free at 1-800-595-147 4


Ocean Pacific Capital has direct access to 310 aggressive commercial real estate loan lending sources in the nation, offering competitive rates. For the past 47 1/2 years, Ocean Pacific Capital has offered commercial real estate loan products and commercial real estate loan programs. Commercial real estate loans are available for the following commercial properties, but not limited to: apartments, commercial centers, industrial buildings, strip centers, mobile home parks, subdivisions, office buildings, mixed use centers, senior housings, hotels, golf courses, and lot loans. Our commercial real estate loan department works diligently to structure financing terms that are best suited to our client's needs for a commercial real estate loan. As a direct correspondent to 310 commercial real estate loan lending institutions, our customers will not only benefit from competitive rates on a commercial real estate loan, but also at an efficient and cost perspective. Our commercial real estate loan underwriting guidelines are as follows:

· Up to 80% LTV available on commercial real estate loans (100% LTV with mezzanine loan)
· Loan amounts range on a commercial real estate loan from $1,000,000.00 to $850,000,000.00
· Adjustable commercial real estate loan available as well as fixed rate commercial real estate loan
· Commercial real estate loan fixed rate 5, 7, 10 year terms amortized over 25 or 30 years
· Recourse and non-recourse available on commercial real estate loan
· Up-to-date commercial real estate loan rates available

Make Ocean Pacific Capital your commercial real estate loan financing source. Whether you need to refinance your current commercial real estate loan or acquire a commercial real estate loan, we have the experience to structure the best commercial real estate loan suited to your needs. To submit a commercial real estate loan request, click here. For more information on commercial real estate loans, call us today toll-free 1.800.595.147 4 for a confidential and complementary commercial real estate loan quote. Click here to view our most recent commercial real estate loans.

Whatever your financing needs,
we will tailor a loan that's right for you.


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